Thursday, September 28, 2006

Us and Them: Understanding Your Tribal Mind

Us and Them: Understanding Your Tribal Mind

By David Berreby

HM 753 .B47 2005

It is easy to group humans into specific categories by using qualifiers such as male / female, professor / student, SUV owner / minivan owner. David Berreby explains in his book why we do this and why these groups matter so much to us. According to Berreby these tribal senses alter our thoughts, affect our health and even affect our society. We are “capable of both tribal good and tribal evil” (4). What makes the difference between our choice of good and evil? Why did an experiment in the early 1970s change male college students’ behavior into guards and prisoners? (Quiet Rage: The Stanford Prison Study Video HV 6089 .Q54 2003) Berreby comes to the conclusion, “the Us-Them code does not own you; you own it” (331). If you want to better understand your tribal mind check out Us and Them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If we relate 'tribes' to 'civilizations', perhaps this book relates to Samuel Huntington's book "The Clash of Civilizations" - in the TSU library -- D860.H86 2003.
--Simply Distracted